Bristol Churches City Fund: Child Welfare

Fostering and Adoption: working with Home for Good

Bristol needs Foster Carers

At the beginning of the Corona Virus pandemic, Bristol City Council issued an appeal for people to come forward for training as emergency foster carers to care for children whose current foster carers were over 65 and therefore at risk from Covid. The response to this appeal from the Christian community was extraordinary and has further cemented the churches’ relationship with the Council. 

In 2021, there were over 600 children in the care of Bristol City Council, with nearly 50 of these being unaccompanied asylum seeker children. The fastest growing cohort of children in care are teenagers and sibling groups.

This year the key focus for BCCF is around Child Welfare, with the aim to raise funds to support three strategic initiatives targeted at fostering and adoption (though Home for Good), supporting troubled children at primary school age (through Transforming Lives for Good) and supporting struggling teenagers (through Kintsugi Hope). 

By donating via the BCCF Child Welfare Campaign, you can help support children and young people in the Bristol area. You can help positively impact their well-being and help change their lives.”

How you can help

Please give and give generously to support these incredibly important and effective city-wide initiatives – whether as a church, a family or an individual. 

Your donation made will be directed to providing support to some of the most vulnerable children and young people in our city, and will make a huge difference to the lives of thousands of children and their families.

Be part of a Kingdom Generosity

Your donations support projects and initiatives across the city, allowing them to respond to critical needs in Bristol, delivering impact in significant and strategic ways.